Rob and Christy's Wedding
(as told by Uncle Whiskers)

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The party went late into the night and ended with a fanfare of bubbles. A warm farewell was given to Rob and Christy McCloe as they made their way through the bubble-blowing crowd of well-wishers and on to their honeymoon!!

Aunt Cindy and I were pleased as punch that we were able to join Christy and Rob with a mess of the family the next day on their honeymoon at Tony Roma's for some finger-lickin' barbeque!

We had to get back to Connecticut but I'm sure the rest of the family is still enjoyin' their honeymoon. I think it was great that Rob & Christy were willing to share their honeymoon with everyone! Shoot, I think Rick was so pleased that he even sprung for the condo that they are all staying in together!

Whadda family, huh??